Improving Access to Mental Health Care
Principal Investigator and Team
Prof. Dr. Mar Rus-Calafell
M.SC. Fine Kullmann
Prof. Dr. Silvia Schneider
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Margraf
Prof. Dr. Tobias Teismann
Dr. Karen Krause
M.Sc. Sören Friedrich
Forschungs – und Behandlungszentrum für psychische Gesundheit (FBZ)
Oct. 2021 - present
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp) is an evidence-based psychological treatment recommended by the main international clinical guidelines (including the S3 Guidelines) for the treatment of psychosis. In Germany, only 38% of psychotherapists offer CBTp in private practice, and only 4-13% of those affected receive evidence-based procedures based on guidelines’ recommendation in inpatients settings. Although this can partially be explained by structural, individual stigmatisation, and historical issues with treatment reimbursement from health insurances, barriers related to psychotherapists’ background and attitudes towards this group of disorders remain unexplored. In these series of explorative studies, we aim to focus on 1) psychotherapists’ related characteristics and perspectives when offering treatment to people with psychosis; and 2) previous and current first-person experience with psychotherapy (specially CBT) of those affected with psychosis. One of these studies have already been completed and published here:
- Kullman et al. (2023): Zugangsbarrieren zur Psychotherapie für Menschen mit Psychosen aus Psychotherapeut_ innenperspektive: Eine explorative Studie. Verhaltenstherapie 2023;33:64–74 DOI: 10.1159/000530422